
MAJIS is flying!

List of outreach events related to the JUICE launch

Name Event (TV,radio, paper, event) Date Web link if any
FrançoisHS Sciences & Avenir sur les mystères cachés du CosmosMar-22
François, CydaliseCNRS Le journal10/9/21
François, Cydalise, YvesCNRS Le journal2/9/23
FrançoisITV magazine Epsiloon2/20/23Citation dans magazine d'Avril 2023
FrançoisFrance24 TV, reportage JUICE 1/20/23
FrançoisITV Le Monde4/10/23 /
FrançoisITV France info3/15/23
FrançoisITV science et vie3/23/23
CydaliseITV science et vie4/18/23
Seignovert BenoîtConférence pour Terre des Sciences (Angers)/ Les conf' astro au cœur de l'espace: Mission Juice, par Jupiter : 3/7/23Vidéo et interview en attente de publication / Dispos :
François, YvesITV Le figaro4/4/23 /
FrançoisITV Brief Science4/10/23
FrançoisLe temps4/11/23
Sébastien, IPGPFrance Culture4/14/23
FrançoisCnews, Visiteurs du soir4/23/23
FrançoisOrsay Magazine, Portrait5/1/23
INAFINAF communcation6/12/23
ESA/CNES/François/CaroleSalon du Bourget6/20/23
CNRS/CNESRecette en vol MAJIS6/21/23
David Bolsée RTBF Journal 19:30 TV11-Apr
David Bolsée BXL TV4/11/23
Ozgur Karatekin & David BolséeRTBF Journal 19:30 TV4/14/23
CSLBXL TV4/12/23

Project Manager Cydalise Dumesnil got an award for its management of the MAJIS project

  • Delivery of the main electronic module to Airbus, a first milestone for the MAJIS project Delivery of the main electronic module to Airbus, a first milestone for the MAJIS project
  • Approval of the thermal multi-layer insulation (MLI) which has to be flexible in every direction to avoid disturbing the moves of the instrument in front of the optical bench: Approval of the thermal multi-layer insulation (MLI) which has to be flexible in every direction to avoid disturbing the moves of the instrument in front of the optical bench: Approval of the thermal multi-layer insulation (MLI) which has to be flexible in every direction to avoid disturbing the moves of the instrument in front of the optical bench: Approval of the thermal multi-layer insulation (MLI) which has to be flexible in every direction to avoid disturbing the moves of the instrument in front of the optical bench:

Practice of the movements of MAJIS instrument as they will be performed during its calibration campaign inside the space simulator Jupiter:
Checking that the electrical harness and the liquid nitrogen pipes follow perfectly the movement of the instrument:
Setting up the fixed part in space simulator Jupiter:
An humoristic video by calibration station:
MAJIS Fit Check:
  • past_news.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/28 14:32
  • by chloe guallar